Dear Children,
Children are the future of Country, Family, Society, Nation and the world of tommorrow depend upon them. The growth and building of their character depends upon adequate enviroment provided to them. Strong foundation will give a child enough strength to face the challenges and storms in his life. My elder brother, a noble soul, Late S.Jasbir singh was a visionary who dreamt of establishing a unique institution for the under privileged in the remote countryside to impart quality education to rural children to make them architects of our beloved country. He was of the view that india lives in its village. I am deeply grateful to waheguru for the motivation given to me to realise the dream of S.Jasbir Singh by setting up M.G Convent School in your region. Being the Managing Director of the school, I assure you that management will do it best to provide complete education under one roof by providing requisite ultra modren infrastucture.


Managing Director